Monday 11 May 2009

Madonna: Like A Mother, Adopting For The Very First Time

madonna mercy james david adoption malawiNot many celebrities impress me. Not for any other reason other than the fact half of them are self indulgent half wits who think of no one but themselves.

One who does stand head and shoulders above the others in my opinion is Madonna, surprisingly.

She's had quite a career and now, even at the age of 50, she is keeping up with the younger generation and churning out hits.

I always thought this 'adoption syndrome' she developed was a publicity stunt to say "Look at me, aren't I a caring woman and a good mother".

But when she adopted little David from Malawi, I watched very closely with great interest and it brings tears of joy to my eyes to see how she has treated that little boy. She has been a model mother for anyone to follow. She might have removed him from the country he was born in, but my God, she wont let him forget who he is or where he came from. That alone is a fantastic achievement.

Even now she regularly visits the Kabbalah centre to keep him in touch with his roots and his origins.

While Madonna awaits the outcome of an appeal in her case to adopt four-year-old Malawian Mercy James, she herself takes comfort from a visit to her local Kabbalah centre.

The queen of pop can be seen in the picture here arriving with her 12-year-old daughter Lourdes and David, the son she adopted from the African country two years ago. Seemingly unaffected by the difficult time his mother is experiencing over the failed adoption, the little boy at one point poked his tongue mischievously at passersby.

Like his brother Rocco, Madonna's son by Guy Ritchie, David was dressed in the white garb traditionally worn to Kabbalah services and had his head covered with a skull cap.

Lourdes was trendily dressed in skinny jeans, a waistcoat and shirt, teamed with a tie and blue-rimmed shades.

The family has reportedly stepped up their participation in prayer sessions to gain strength to help them cope with the strains of the current situation.

I can't see why anyone would want to stop her adopting little Mercy James. The child couldn't wish for a better mother. I know she has immense wealth and can buy almost anything she wants, but what she has given little David cannot be bought, no matter how much money you have.

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